Obsidians ExploraTalk - June 18, 2013

Hiking Astronomy 

 Using and Enjoying the Sun, Moon, Planets and Stars

John Hartman (Trail Name "Solar Time")

Obsidians ExploraTalk Hiking Astronomy John Hartman

It's fun to observe, use and understand the sun, moon, planets and stars while hiking and camping.  Obsidian John Hartman will discuss backcountry astronomy during the day, twilight, and night. He'll show how to use the sun, e.g. to organize hiking days and continuously determine direction. Sunset, twilight, and moonlight will be discussed. The movement and positions of the planets, stars, and other night objects will be described briefly.

This talk will emphasize practical, fun, enriching observations rather than theory. They can be made with unaided eyes, binoculars, and small telescopes, e.g. sun tracking, the green flash, moon illusions, satellites, meteors, comets, Jupiter's moons; and deep sky objects like star clusters, double stars, galaxies and nebulae.

John Hartman (Trail Name "Solar Time") enjoys long-distance hiking with the sun, moon, and night sky, and other outdoor activities. He is a web consultant and retired computer scientist.

A much more detailed presentation on Sun Position Position and Movement, given at Eugene Astronomical Society, is at softwareunderstanding.com/sun

Slightly Revised Slides (pdf)

(Includes supplemental slides at end with alt/az plots, analemma details, shadow tracing, and survival direction finding)

Handout With Resources (pdf)

Sun Motions Demonstrator 


Sun Azimuth and Altitude Table for Day and Location

aa.usno.navy.mil/data/docs/AltAz.php - set interval to 1 minute

Solar Noon Calendar for Longitude of Eugene - Adjust for Daylight Time

www.solar-noon.com      Link with parameters for Eugene

Abrams Sky Calendar

$11/year; www.pa.msu.edu/abrams/SkyCalendar/

Sun Motions Demonstrator



Online Planetarium  www.skyviewcafe.com/skyview.php    Can animate.  (Java. Azimuths are W from S)

Satellites  www.heavens-above.com

Events, including comets  www.calsky.com

Star Walk App  itunes.apple.com/us/app/star-walk-5-stars-astronomy/id295430577?mt=8

PC software etc.  www.skyandtelescope.com/resources/software

Charts For Eye, Binoculars, and Small Telescopes

 Planispheres; Tirion, Bright Star Atlas 2000; Sinnott, Sky & Telescope's Pocket Sky Atlas

Web Sites


Orion Telescopes  www.telescope.com (binoculars, telescopes, advice)

My Sun Bookmarks

Contain many links for solar time, calculators, software, sundials, sun art, the analemma etc. Search for keywords.


My Detailed Sun Presentation

Sun Position Position and Movement, given at Eugene Astronomical Society,  February 15, 2012 -   softwareunderstanding.com/sun
John Hartman, Ph.D.
Software Understanding
2165 Adams St  Eugene OR  97405